From Vintage Magic to Art Curation: The Journey of Decor Eighteen Hundred

From Vintage Magic to Art Curation: The Journey of Decor Eighteen Hundred

Posted by CF Style Team on on Oct 20th 2023

We are thrilled to announce our brand partner, Becky Caldwell! Her passion for home decor and niche for vintage artwork is enchanting. Her business dream started with a bit of antique magic. Here's her story: 

For as long as I can remember I have loved all things vintage and antique. This has often led me to be called an “old soul” and trust me when I say, I don’t mind it a bit. There is something beyond captivating about an object that is hundreds of years old, it’s literally like holding history in your hands.

Decorating and styling my home has always been a tremendous part of my life, and I have found that it has had one of the largest impacts on my mood. Throughout my home you will find collections of antique objects, books, photographs and my most favorite of all, antique art.

Let me take you on a little journey through time… in 2005 I stumbled across an artist who was making greeting cards out of antique imagery, and I fell instantly in love. I couldn’t get the magic of it out of my mind. Right then and there I decided, “this is it; I want to do something like this”. The seed was planted but the tree wouldn’t grow until years later.

Overall, of those years my love for antique imagery grew and eventually became my passion. I dreamed and planned of what my business would look like and finally after much time and dedication Decor Eighteen Hundred was born.

I strongly feel that art was meant to be seen and enjoyed but so much of it has been lost in "hard to visit" museums, private collections and in the pages of forgotten books. I have a strong desire to change that, and that desire is at the core of my business.

Decor Eighteen Hundred is my dream. I spend hours researching, curating, and digitally restoring the collections that I offer. It is my way of making these precious works beautiful again, easily accessible to you and affordable to purchase.

Sharing just how joyful art can make your life is my goal. I hope that you will find that joy while decorating your home with history.

-Becky Caldwell

You can learn more about Becky's work by visiting her website or following Decor Eighteen Hundred on social media.
