Customized Options: Made-to-Order Frames

Customized Options: Made-to-Order Frames

Posted by CF Style Team on on Jan 18th 2024

Are you tired of the one-size-fits-all approach to framing? Do you have that odd-sized concert poster or a unique newspaper clipping that just doesn't fit the standard frames? Well, say goodbye to the struggle because we've got the perfect solution – our incredible made-to-order frames that will make your wall art dreams come true! 

Shop Rustic Frames

Unleash Your Style: 

Gone are the days of settling for frames that don't quite match your style. With our made-to-order frames, you're the boss! Choose from a variety of styles and colors that speak to your personality and complement your decor. Whether you're into sleek modern lines or prefer the charm of rustic chic, we've got a frame that suits your taste. 

Shop Ornate Frames

Perfect Fit, Every Time: 

Say goodbye to the frustration of almost-fitting frames. Our made-to-order frames offer quarter-inch increment sizing, ranging from a cute 4x4 inches to a whopping 30x40 inches. That's right – your art, your way, in the perfect size every time. No more compromising on your cherished memories or unique pieces; let our frames do the fitting for you. 

Shop Bamboo Frames

Solving the Odd-Size Dilemma: 

Have an odd-sized image or special memorabilia that's been collecting dust because it doesn't fit standard frames? Worry not! Our made-to-order frames are the knights in shining armor for those odd-sized wonders. Now you can proudly display your concert tickets, vintage postcards, or finished puzzles without a worry. It's like giving your treasures a VIP seat on your wall. 

Shop Wood Frames

How It Works: 

Ordering your custom frame is as easy as 1-2-3. Choose your style, pick your color, and specify the exact size down to the quarter inch. We'll craft a frame that's uniquely yours and ready to showcase your memories in all their glory.

Shop Metallic Frames

Don't let your precious moments be confined by standard sizes. Embrace the freedom of made-to-order frames and transform your space into a gallery of your own creation. Your walls will thank you, and so will your memories!